Batting .500 for business trips so far

So my first business trip in my new job was two days in Baltimore last week.  It was a System meeting where I was representing the research community in a new “oversight group” for information management.  There were at least 30 people in the meeting and we started with each of them spending 7 minutes or so going through a standard set of slides discussing “pain points” and new initiatives.  At some point during the proceedings, I sent an email back to the office to tell them that I was ready to poke my eye out with a fork.  It didn’t get better.  For two days, we sat in a room doing half of a SWOT exercise (we did the strengths and weaknesses but apparently skipped the opportunities and threats).  We set “high priority objectives” and created “initiatives” to support them.  And I was back in the hell I thought I left in my old job.  Only saving grace was sitting with a research librarian colleague and friend snarking under my breath at the proceedings.  It wasn’t pretty.

photoFast forward to this week.  I get to attend a conference at another System location but now I’m surrounded by my peeps.  It’s all about economic data and research.  Friends and colleagues abound and we talked about Federal statistics, providing research services and generally chatted about all the things I care about.  I gave a presentation that was well received and even garnered a complement with photo via Twitter  from an audience member.  Then I got to play hostess for a dinner gathering for my favorite professional organization, IASSIST.  We had planned for 16 people to attend and instead had nearly 30.  Great conversation, great pizza and beer (including GF for me!) and a good night all around.

In fact, I didn’t even mind starting the second day with a *7 am* breakfast meeting (really?  who’s bright idea was that?) mostly because it was on one of my favorite geek topics: metadata. Then more good conference sessions before heading home.  To complete the contrast between the two trips, the mode of transportation was so much more agreeable this time around.  The flights in and out of BWI were fine (gaining more respect for Southwest every time I fly) but I still had to deal with the inconveniences of air travel:  flights on their schedule, getting nearly naked to go through security, cramped seats with the inevitable recliner in front of you or seat kicker behind, etc.  This trip, I made the 256 mile drive across I-70 on my schedule. Granted that because I was driving, I didn’t get any work done but I did have a seat that my butt actually fits in, I could turn up the music as loud as I wanted, and didn’t have to worry about bathroom schedules – either mine or those of others in my row.  And I packed full sized bottles of liquids just because I could! Downside to the drive:  when running near 80 across Missouri with the AC on, my little diesel couldn’t average better than 46 mpg…. 😉

I don’t know that Frank differentiated between my two trips other than he had no requirements to meet me at the airport.  For him, it’s still a bit more lonely when I’m gone because he doesn’t have the same network of friends to entertain him while I am away.  I would have thought that he would use that time to knock some things of his “honey do” list but apparently I don’t really understand. And nothing is getting done tonight because the Royals are in the Wildcard game. (And maybe I’m becoming a baseball fan – but that’s another post!

Apologies from a neglectful blogger

I’ve written at least a dozen blog posts in my head over the last month but never actual typed them up.  Why?  After years of writing a travel blog about exotic places, these potential posts seemed pretty dull.  I’m used to writing about exciting things and it seems odd that I should write about everyday things even if they are new everyday things for us.  I was then reminded that the reason that I started the blog and the reason people read it is to find out what our life is like now.

So here we go.  For those who aren’t interested but keep getting notified on Facebook, you can switch that off.  For those who want to figure out what on earth we do in KC (or who want to feel better about where you live!), read on.

Today I made my first foray across my new home state.  I have a conference in St Louis for the next two days so instead of flying, I drove the 256 miles.  In just over 3.5 hours.  It’s pretty flat.  And impossible to go less than 80 mph – good thing the speed limit is 70 most of the way.  In case you are curious, it takes one Imelda May CD and all 4 Zac Brown CDs to get across Missouri.

And then there were the flashbacks.  I lost count of the number of winery signs I passed, especially around Hermann, Missouri.  Unfortunately, Missouri wine is NOT Virginia wine.  (Good thing I brought a bottle of the latter with me just in case. 🙂 )  Then there were the signs for Sydenstricker (who else names something that?), Warrenton and Montgomery County.  If I wasn’t doing 80, I would have snapped some photos to add to this post.

And Frank?  He’s holding down the home front.  Which tonight meant walking to the 75th Street Brewery for dinner.  And he’s likely to be adopted by the next door neighbors tomorrow for dinner so he won’t *really* miss me.  Right?